Podcast Evaluation Form

Sample document courtesy of the Frist Center for the Visual Arts, Nashville, TN.

Download the original form as a PDF.

Chuck Close Prints:
Podcast Survey

Thank you for using our podcast for the Chuck Close exhibition.
We value your opinion. Please help us understand what you gained from your experience of using the equipment
during your walk around the gallery. This should take you no longer than 2–3 minutes to complete.

Why did you decide to use the Podcast?
Check as many as apply:

  • Used audio tours in the past and liked having a guide to the exhibition
  • Curiosity
  • To learn more about Chuck Close
  • To learn more about the processes used by the artists

Did the podcast fulfi ll the purpose(s) that you checked above? (circle one) Yes / Maybe / No

Please give a reason for your response: _______________________________________________________________

Please rate the following:
5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Average 2 Fair 1 Poor
_____User instructions
_____Ease of equipment use
_____Quality of sound
_____Information within the Podcast
_____Length of time for each stop

Please rate your level of satisfaction with the podcast (circle one):
5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Average 2 Fair 1 Poor

Please give a reason for your response: _______________________________________________________________

Did the podcast enhance your visit to the exhibition? (circle one) Yes / Maybe / No

Please give a reason for your response: _______________________________________________________________

Is the cost to use the podcast reasonable? (circle one) Yes / Maybe / No

Please give a reason for your response: _______________________________________________________________

What else could we do to improve this service?


Demographic information (circle one):

Age: Under 10  10–15  16–19  20–39  40–59  60–79  80+

Gender: M / F

Status: Member / Non member

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. It is much appreciated.