It works for me . . . Sharing successful techniques, thoughts, and ideas. 5.4
Underlining important points from The Docent Educator seemed like a good idea until I noticed that every sentence of every issue was underlined. Every sentence contains a good idea.
I just mailed the issue with your ’94 article on Imagining to my daughter who has our 15 month old grandson. I asked her to return the issue to me when she and her husband finished studying it. And, I just filed your winter issue after reading it through. Your article: Motivating the Desire to Learn was superb.
I have subscribed to one magazine for about 50 years and read dozens of journals, newspapers, and magazines monthly in my work. Never has a publication brought more joy, excitement, and challenge into my life than The Docent Educator. The continued high quality of your lead article and the articles by contributing writers, covering such a broad spectrum of education and museums, is amazing. I greatly enjoy my work as a Birmingham Museum of Art docent and your journal contributes to that enjoyment.
Thank you for your enlightening and enjoyable education and training of docents.
Creighton E. Johnson, docent, Birmingham Museum of Art
Johnson, Creighton E. “It works for me…Sharing successful techniques and ideas.,” The Docent Educator 5.4 (Summer 1996): 11.