Example 4: New Docent Observation Sheet

Sample New Docent Observation Form courtesy of the Delaware Historical Society, Wilmington, DE.

Download original form as a Word document.

Museum Educator Observation Sheet

The purpose of this form is to foster learning through guided observation, to inspire programmatic self-awareness, while keeping track of the number of times you have observed a particular program. Use this form when observing a Delaware History Museum program for the first couple of times by each fellow Museum Educator.

Observer: _________________________________             Date: ___________________

Guide Observed: ____________________________            Program observed: ________


How many times have you observed this program: 1     2     3     4     5     time(s)

  1. How did the guide introduce themselves: ________________________________



  1. How interested were the students, did they enjoy the program? : ______________


3. How did the teachers and chaperones interact with the students? (cell phones, discipline, attentiveness, etc…) :__________________________________________



4. When/ if student attention waned, how did the guide keep the attention or adjust their program (eye contact, body movement, speaking voice): ___________________




Please turn over for additional questions.

5. What did you learn from the questioning techniques this guide utilized? : ________



6. Explain how you benefited from observing this fellow museum educator: _______ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


7. Were there any aspects of the guide’s presentation that you would like to incorporate in your programs in the future, if so, what? : _______________________


8. Is there anything that you plan to do differently in your programs? : ____________

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________9. Additional comments on our programs, educators, or particular events this day: ___
