Example 2: Visitor Tour Evaluation Form
Sample Visitor Tour Evaluation Form courtesy of the National Museum of the Marine Corps, Triange, VA.
Download the original from as a PDF.
Facilitated Docent Tours
Tour attended: Time:_________________ Date: _________
Tour Guides Name: ____________________________
Your Name: ____________________ # of adults: ____
Email: ______________________________________
If a School group, please complete:
School: _____________________________________
District: _____________________________________
Zip code: _______________________
# of students: _________________ Grade level: _____
Your frank appraisal of today’s tour is very important in planning and improving our
tours in the future. Please take time to answer the following questions, fold and return to
the Museum Front Desk before departing.
1. Please rate the quality of today’s tour. (Consider tour guide’s knowledge, creativity, communication skills,
and unique educational experience.) very poor 1 2 3 4 5 excellent
2. What did you like best about the tour? (use back if more space needed)
3. How well did we offer opportunities for your participation and interaction?
not well at all 1 2 3 4 5 extremely well
4. How appropriate was the tour for your group?
Not very appropriate 1 2 3 4 5 extremely appropriate
5. How well did this tour fit into your expectations?
Not at all 1 2 3 4 5 extremely well
6. How well did the Tour Guide Communicate the information?
Not at all 1 2 3 4 5 extremely well
7. Did the Tour Guide determine how long your group had for the tour and what your interests were?
_____YES ____NO
8. Approximately how long was your tour? ____ Hours ____Minutes
9. How would you rate the length of your tour? ______Too Short _______Just Right _______Too Long
10. If you were the tour leader how would you shape this tour to better meet your needs?
11. Please add any additional comments you feel would help us improve our service to you. (Use back if more
space needed.)
The National Museum of the Marine Corps has my permission to use my comments in its publications and
promotional materials.
Signature: ________________________________ Date: ______________