Delaware Historical Society – Evaluating Other Museum Programs
Sample Evaluation Other Museum Programs Form courtesy of the Delaware Historical Society, Wilmington, DE.
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External Evaluation
Use this form when on a filed trip or visiting a site on your own in which you take a tour from a person, observe a classroom, chaperone a school field trip, etc…
Observer: ____________________________ Date: ___________________
Museum/ School Observed: _________________________________________________
Person(s) Observed: _______________________________________________________
Program/ Topic: _________________________________ Group Grade/Age: ________
1. Introduction: Do you think that the introduction was effective? __________________
Did the guide do anything differently from you, if so, what? _______________________
2. Questioning Skills: What types of questions does the guide use? (close-ended, answer with a simple yes/no; open-ended; or fill-in-the-blank): ___________________________
Give an example of a question used: __________________________________________
3. Speech: How does the guide speak (vocabulary, inflection, volume)?
Does this guide speak to their audience differently than you? If so how?
Please comment on the guide’s effectiveness in speech:
4. Eye Contact: In what ways does the guide use eye contact? (Please explain):________________________________________________________________________
5. Focus: Is the guide maintaining a balance of creating a positive enjoyable experience and imparting knowledge? (Please Explain):
6. Rapport: Is the audience comfortable with the guide? : _________________________
Are the visitors active participants or merely observers, if so or not, how? : ________________________________________________________________________
Does the guide utilize humor to build rapport? Is it effective? : _____________________
7. Pace: How was the program or tour conducted? (quickly, slowly, just right) Please Explain:
8. Activities and/or Visuals: Were there any visual aids used? : ____________________
Were visual aids an integral part of the program or used as filler? : __________________
Did the guide/ teacher do anything with artifacts or visual aids, which you would like to incorporate into or avoid in your program delivery, if so what? :
9. Learned: What did you learn today that you can utilize or avoid in your presentations in the future? : ___________________________________________________________
10. Additional Comments: ________________________________________________